Thursday, January 26, 2012

Be Committed

As some of you may know, I recently went on staff at Refuge Community Church. It has been a long road for me since I moved to Denver, but I'm very happy as I begin my career in ministry.

Refuge is a small church. I really like the things that we are doing there but I won't tell you that we are following Jesus far better than every other church. I think that most people want to look at their church and say, "this is the best place there is to be." I'm not saying that Refuge is or isn't the best place to be, because I don't think we can really know where the best place to be is. I think that if you are looking for the best place to be, then you have already lost.

We are far from perfect. Both as people and as a church body. I will not say this is the best place in the world, but I will say that I am committed and I think that is what the church needs. I feel confident in saying that the people I attend church with are committed to Refuge. That's really all I want anymore. When Jesus had people come up and say that they want to follow, He didn't give them a good pitch as to why they should follow. He more discouraged them from following, warning that the road ahead would be rough and could lead to death. I believe that He did this because He wanted people that were committed. It is better to be committed and united as few than idle and divided as many, IMO.

There is no best place for you. Yes, there are churches where you might flourish more than others and churches where you might find life in God more than others. But a church is not the speaking style or the pastor or the production of the worship music. Find a place and be committed. Ask how you can make that church better. Better yet, just make that church better. I am sure that the staff won't be upset if you randomly show up early to help set up, make dinner for somebody in the congregation, or start a prayer group on Sundays after worship.